The online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Quality Systems & 改进管理将理论与实践相结合,为您担任高层管理职位做好准备.
DBA in Quality Systems & Improvement Management Overview
工商管理博士质量管理课程为工商管理学科提供全面的指导, with a specialized focus on quality systems and improvement management (QSIM). 您将学习将理论应用于现实世界的实践,并获得解决业务问题的先进知识.
Online Doctor of Business Administration Quality Management Program Highlights
The curriculum includes 11 core business courses, which allow students to learn and explore the latest business practices, research, and trends. 通过QSIM专业的五门额外课程,博士生将成为该领域的专家.
Doctoral students work independently to complete assignments, conduct research, and accomplish other required academic tasks, including presenting their findings at a professional conference. QSIM的DBA学生通过独立的实践,将他们在课程中所学到的知识综合起来, unique, and relevant research that can inform practice in business. 这导致了该计划的最终交付成果-论文的出版.
Online DBA Program Learning Outcomes
This program is specifically designed to enable students to be able to:
- Organize and lead teams to solve complex problems and improve business processes
- Communicate across all levels of an organization with confidence
- Lead major organizational change initiatives
- Think critically and conduct and synthesize scholarly research
- Analyze, construct, and present a business case for senior-level decision-making
- Develop, collect, and track executive-level dashboard metrics
- Identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information for problem-solving and opportunity identification
- 通过推动创新,促进组织的全球竞争力, technology, and new marketing opportunities and minimizing threats
- Lead internal and external organizational assessment
DBA in Quality Systems Management Dissertation
DBAQSIM博士论文要求学生进行严谨的研究,产生切实的成果, informs practice, and adds to the business body of knowledge. 您将学习在DBA 805W研究方法和学术写作DBA 820W商业研究与应用中进行真实世界定量和定性研究的技能, 以及在三门课程专门致力于准备和指导你完成写论文的过程.
写一篇博士论文要求每个学生确定一个对行业感兴趣的重要问题,并应用适当的商业理论, research methodology, 和严谨的统计得出的结论,独特的贡献一般的知识体系. 写论文的过程是具有挑战性的,需要一个决心和卓越的承诺.
该计划旨在使必修课程在不同的主题领域介绍主题,并鼓励您探索这些不同主题领域的文献和研究. 目标是让你确定一个你感兴趣的话题,一个与商业社区相关和有趣的话题. It is expected that once you complete your dissertation, you will become a valued expert in your topic.
DBA in Quality Systems and Improvement Management Tuition Information
*See curriculum sheet for a breakdown of credits and credit ranges.
Course List
Download DBA in QSIM CurriculumProspective doctoral degree students must satisfy the following requirements plus any program-specific requirements your program may have.
- Complete and sign the online application.
- Pay a $50 application fee by the term start date.
- Send official transcripts of required degree(s). See program-specific requirements for degrees required. Must be mailed directly to Cambridge College in a sealed, unopened envelope. Learn How to Send Transcripts
- International transcripts must be translated and evaluated by an approved agency. See all international student requirements
- Satisfy Health Insurance & Immunization requirements. 只有每学期在马萨诸塞州修读6个或以上学分的研究生或博士生才需要这些学分,这些学分是在校的或混合的. Health insurance may be waived.
- Ensure you have internet access, 以及一台功能齐全的笔记本电脑或台式电脑,可以播放音频和视频,还可以访问微软(Microsoft)的Office软件, PowerPoint).
- Fulfill any additional admissions requirements that are specific to your program.
注意:你的录取文件必须是完整的,并在经济援助可能被授予之前接受, before transfer credit may be evaluated and before you may register for courses.
Program-Specific Requirements
In addition to the doctorate requirements, this program requires:
- 在美国认可的学院或大学获得学士和硕士学位.S. Department of Education
- 描述该立博网站中文版将如何帮助你实现个人和/或职业目标的论文(大约一到两页)
- Current resume (reflecting at least 8 years of work experience)
- Personal interview, generally conducted via telephone.
立博网站中文版主席或其他合格的学院管理人员将评估和批准申请,以确保满足入学要求. For good cause shown, 经立博网站中文版主席书面批准,院校入学要求可酌情放弃或更改.
Quality Management Careers
Upon successful completion of the DBA in QSIM, graduates will possess a wide variety of knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve as quality systems & improvement management experts at senior levels.
这包括高级管理职位,如首席质量官或质量副总裁, 以及在咨询中利用质量主动性度量的角色. This degree also prepares you for university teaching positions.
Jobs in Quality Systems & Improvement Management
Faculty Spotlight
Marie C. Gerardin
Course Developer and Professor
Dr. Marie Gerardin is deemed a learned scholar in international law, the global regulatory environment, and corporate accountability. 她在立博网站中文版和爱丁堡大学法学院任教超过十年.
Gurbachan (Guru) S. Chadha
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Guru Chadha是一位充满激情和经验丰富的高等教育教师,设计和教授博士学位, Master's, Bachelor's, and Certificate programs in Quality Systems Management in general and Lean, Six Sigma, and Project Management in particular. Dr. Chadha是一名培训师和教师,她热衷于创造和提供有吸引力和有意义的成人学习体验. Dr. Chadha是一位终身学习者和经验驱动型领导力发展的实践者. Dr. Chadha...
Articulation Agreement with CSU
Cambridge College has an articulation agreement 与加州州立大学多明戈山分校合作,接受科罗拉多州立大学质量保证硕士课程,以及CCG工商管理博士课程-质量体系和改进管理课程.